Welcome to Continual and Autonomous Learning Research Group
Continual and Autonomous Learning Research Group
"Develop machine learning algorithms that can learn forever"
Continual Learning
Autonomous Learning
Incremental Learning
Data Streams
Transfer Learning
Weakly Supervised Learning
Fuzzy Machine Learning
Intelligent Control
Current Members
Siyi Hu, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, my role: primary supervisor
M. Anwar Ma'sum, UniSA PhD Student, my role: primary supervisor
M. Tanzil Furqon, UniSA PhD Student, my role: primary supervisor
Naeem Paeedeh, UniSA PhD Student, my role: primary supervisor
Monirul Islam Pavel, UniSA PhD Student, my role: primary supervisor
Abdul Hady, UniSA PhD Student, my role: co-supervisor
Guha Araddhika, UniSA PhD Student, my role: co-supervisor
Tan Chin Sheng, NTU PhD Student, my role: co-supervisor
Chua Haoyan, NTU PhD Student, my role: co-supervisor
MD Rasel Sarkar, UNSW PhD Student, my role: co-supervisor
Weiwei Weng
Rakaraddi Appan
Marcus de Carvalho
Abhay Aradya, Project Officer, ERI@N, NTU, Singapore
Andri Ashfahani, Data Scientist, ST microelectronics, Singapore
Choiru Za'in, Casual Tutor, Monash University, Australia
MD Meftahul Ferdaus, Scientist, I2R, A*Star, Singapore
Samantha Subhrajit, AI Scientist, ZS Associates, India
Harikumar Kandath, Assistant Professor, IIIT, Hyderabad, India
Bardhan Rajarshi, Scientist, SIMTech, A*Star, Singapore
Monidipa Das, Research Fellow, NUS, Singapore
Bahadir Kocer, Research Fellow, Imperial College London, UK
Mao Fubing, Assistant Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Qing Cai, Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Renchunzi Xie, Research Associate, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Septiviana Savitri, Master Student, Kobe University, Japan
Tanmoy Dam, Research Associate, UNSW, Canberra
Join us
I always look for highly motivated candidates interested to explore the area of continual learning, data streams, etc. Please do contact me for current opportunities in my research group if you are interested to join us.